I wanted something decisive

I decided yesterday that all I wanted out of my labs today was something decisive. Well, apparently Mom was right and you really should be careful of what you wish for. The lab came in this morning around 6 am for a blood draw and by 645 the MD was here: my platelets are at 80. Meaning, it's time to get this kid out of me.

So... Harry and Daisy are going to my mom's. I'm going for an ultrasound to determine my delivery options (cross your fingers for head down) and possible an amniocentesis to determine lung maturity. The child will doubtless spend a few extra days here as he/she may have a little trouble eating on his/her own.

I'll keep you updated throughout the day - and in case you're wondering, the envelope is still in our freezer and the car seat is still in the attic.
