There is always enough.

I mentioned earlier in the week that a friend lost her 10 year old magic boy to cancer this week. Another friend is losing a brother much sooner than he should. There's enough sad if you look for it. But, I can't look for sad anymore. And grey hair. I can't look for those either. They are just too hard to pull out. And it hurts. Despite all that, I'm feeling remarkably lucky these days. Mostly because there's things like this to look at.

She wore her E-I-E-I-O shirt and could not get enough whipped cream. The giant slide was a little scary, but not as scary as when she got her head stuck in one of those woodcut out things for faces. 

A little later in the summer, my aunt and uncle from Shanghai came for a visit. The kids could not stand how much they loved the new digs.

Me? I couldn't stand how his arm naturally rested on the top of the chair. He's 8. And that's the top of the chair. Try it next time your standing by a chair. (Or right now, because you're probably sitting, right?)  The only thing more shocking is the size of his feet. But, as a friend pointed out the last time I complained about Harry stepping on my feet, there are a lot of giant feet around here.

But mostly what I'll miss looking at as summer melts into fall is this.

 It's my usual Saturday morning view at the farmer's market. Along with a coffee and crepe, I don't see how it can possibly look any better.
