We've been off all week, sort of a vacation at home (I know, but I think staycation is a ridiculous word and I refuse to help in it's proliferation) and we've kept busy with trips to the zoo to research clown fish (note - they don't have any) and making chocolate pudding.
But, I've been meaning to show you our budding artist's work. I'm not sure how that dear sweet art teacher got him to sit still long enough to mimic Cezanne, but we were impressed. The piece (I know I've just called my kindergartner's rip off of famous art 'the piece', but just give me the moment here) was displayed in the school district office.
And, you know, it was the best one there....
But, I've been meaning to show you our budding artist's work. I'm not sure how that dear sweet art teacher got him to sit still long enough to mimic Cezanne, but we were impressed. The piece (I know I've just called my kindergartner's rip off of famous art 'the piece', but just give me the moment here) was displayed in the school district office.