On Friday, we all went to the doctor. Suzy and Harry had their 6 month and 5 year well child check ups. Of note:
Meanwhile, we had a very nice visit with my cousin Heather this weekend, and her friend Sean. Harry is quite in love with both of them, and Suzy enjoyed the extra arms to hold her (especially after the shots.) Pete and I got to go out with them on Friday night to the beer hall, which we should really visit more often.

As for Easter outfits, I'm not ashamed to admit that I engaged in some psychological warfare to achieve the below. Having first presented Harry with the pink oxford, he was all too happy to put on the yellow polo. Really? You think it's just a little wrong? I know, but Sarah will understand.
- Suzy now weighs 14.5 lbs and is 26" long. She's in the 30% for weight and 50% for height. As my mom said, 'she's long and lean'. I'll admit that I sort of hope she stays that way.
- Harry now weighs 53 lbs and is 46" tall (when do they switch from long to tall?). He's in the 96% for weight and 97% for height. Thankfully, we've stopped measuring his head, since we already know it's on the big side.
Meanwhile, we had a very nice visit with my cousin Heather this weekend, and her friend Sean. Harry is quite in love with both of them, and Suzy enjoyed the extra arms to hold her (especially after the shots.) Pete and I got to go out with them on Friday night to the beer hall, which we should really visit more often.
As for Easter outfits, I'm not ashamed to admit that I engaged in some psychological warfare to achieve the below. Having first presented Harry with the pink oxford, he was all too happy to put on the yellow polo. Really? You think it's just a little wrong? I know, but Sarah will understand.