And suddenly it's almost April. Here's a few of the things we've been up to lately:

- Completing Harry's kindgergarten paperwork (and having a long discussion with the principal about our Sound Book and the difference between deck and dock and how they are both used for boats which doesn't start with D but looks like a backwards D. Do you think the kindergarten teacher will hate me?)
- Planning Harry's 5th birthday party. If you haven't been to Organ Piper Pizza, get thee there soon. (And somehow I need to figure out how to make a Hot Wheels cake that is actually a brownie and a cookie. Really. Honestly. Doesn't he know I have a job? And haven't I taught him the merits of cake as related to cookies and brownies? )
- Scheduling 6 month well baby and 5 year well child doctor appointments. Yes, there will be stabbing. Yes, there will be presents for having endured the stabbing.
- Spending a week with Mimi and Jacob while in town on Spring Break. The Zoo and a Pampered Chef party complete with shots of White Zinfandel. (Which, while we're being honest, is the only way to drink that stuff, not that I'm a wine snob or anything.)
- Waiting for, willing and wanting the winter to be over and spring to take hold. Bikes, slides, strollers and other such things that do not clutter my living room and a hiatus from searching for Lego pieces are long overdue. And corn on the cob and good tomatoes. I can hardly wait!