We had the Urban family Christmas party. This is my mom's side of the family, and usually involves too much food and almost everyone standing in the kitchen. I don't know why we do it, but sooner or later, everyone is standing in the kitchen.
But not my Dad. I have lots of memories of him doing this in lots of places. I don't play by ear, and I'm ok with that. I just can't hear the next chord or the next interval. But, I can sight-read the pants off you. Really. Try me sometime.
You're hearing Santa Claus is Coming to Town, in case you were wondering.
But not my Dad. I have lots of memories of him doing this in lots of places. I don't play by ear, and I'm ok with that. I just can't hear the next chord or the next interval. But, I can sight-read the pants off you. Really. Try me sometime.

Loved those days. - Jen