We took Suzy to the doctor yesterday - her bilirubin (jaundice) is coming down nicely and she has gained 2 ounces since leaving the hospital. All good news. We don't see another doctor until she is 2 months old - excellent news. In bad news for Harry, he's got a couple booster shots due and we'll do those at Suzy's next appointment in December.
After the doctor, we picked up Harry from school (where there was general naughtiness by the
class and specific naughtiness by Harry who 'somehow got that kid's skin between my fingers') and went to the zoo. The weather here has been so lovely and it was so nice to be outside. (In fact, Harry is outside now in his swimsuit with the hose.) Suzy and I have finally figured out eating without the mechanical device and bottles, but my supply is a little bit bigger than her stomach right now. We left in a bit of a hurry as I looked longingly at the machines in the Family Farm milking parlor.

I'm having some wicked headaches from the blood pressure medication, so the doctor recommended checking my blood pressure a few times a day and only taking it if I get a reading over 140/90. I will continue to take the evening dosage and hopefully that will be enough to keep things under control.
Harry had soccer this morning. He's not really big on group participation/team sports, and it's often pretty painful for whoever takes him to the activity, but he said he wanted to sign up, so off we go. He's pretty terrible at holding his place in line, asks several questions before performing the drill but loves running between the cones and kicking the ball. Thank goodness he didn't want to sign up for soccer and football!
The nursery is coming along - Pete and I are sorting through several boxes of books and trying not to make too much of a mess of the basement. We have the changing table set up and a little dresser in there. We'll get the floor scrubbed and a new rug down this weekend and then we'll be all set. Excepting that I suggested that we paint the blue wall a nice rose-pink color... maybe I'll go get some swatches from the paint store this afternoon.