Harry woke up this morning and asked to go to Kelly's house. I should rephrase that - Harry woke me up this morning at 815 and asked to go to Kelly's house. So, I managed to get him shuffled out of the house around 10. So much for efficiency.
Suzy and I slugged around most of the day - I did get her room put together (and Harry's got baby legos all over the floor already) and the living room and dining room vacuumed. Man, the floor was really dirty. I also watched more Project Runway than I care to admit and made some good headway on the latest Stephanie Plum novel. Which I am reading in large print - it's sort of fun excepting all the page turning. Oh, and I gave her another bath with the expected results. This time I think she turned a little more purple than red during the howling. On the upside, she was nice and awake for some photos after.

In other good news, Pete's new chair cushion arrived today and I made the apple cake. The recipe is quite lovely, I'll use the walnuts and more cinnamon next time. I'll also probably look into getting a tube pan, since I seem to be bundt pan challenged. I spray the hell out of it, and I set the timer to let it cool and the stupid thing always breaks. I have accepted the fact that I can't make pie (stupid crust) but I seem to be unwilling to give up on bundt. Also, we need a new vacuum. Something good for bare floors. I'll check consume reports tomorrow, but if you've got a suggestion, I'm all ears.
PS - Kelly, thanks for the super cute outfits; Garretts, thanks for the massage certificate - I can't wait to use it; Jean thanks for dinner and legos and pink shoes and chocolate; Edward & c., we love the t-shirt!