Some of you may know that Harry is a bit of a freak when it comes to dessert. For the most part, he's only interested if it is a bar (brownie) or a cookie (chocolate chip). Cake? No thanks. Ice cream? Once in a while, but only in sandwich or on a stick form. Pie? Not a chance. But cookies and bars? All day everyday. And, we actually have cookie emergencies at 610 Pine.
There are times when I look at Harry (and now Suzy) and tell myself to remember the moment. This happens every time Harry and Pete sit down at the table with coffee cups of milk and cookies to dunk in. I'm not sure who makes more noise sucking the milk off the cookie or a bigger mess on the table or drops more cookie in or shows less shame when placing the whole hand in to fish out the broken cookie, but they are adorable.
PS - Schmoopie, You simply must move back. You've had your fun now sell that house and buy one on a tree street. We still have an airport, Schmoopie can commute. I'd even give Schmoopie piano lessons if he wants them, just to sweeten the deal. I'm such a great, patient teacher. Come back, Schmoopies, come back!